Food Prep Sunday, March 15

15 03 2015

Yet another food prep Sunday! I didn’t have much inspiration today, but did it anyway.

For the week’s fruits and veggies, from top left:  green pepper slices, cauliflower, grape tomatoes, chicken almond ding (more pic of that later), chicken, raspberries, cut up carrots for Tuesday’s beef stew, celery sticks, cucumber slices, carrot sticks, hard boiled eggs, strawberries, and raspberries.


Here’s the side view: raspberries, chicken, chicken almond ding (tonight’s dinner, leftovers packaged for later in the week), and grape tomatoes.


Here’s the breakfast, baked omelet and coffee cake:


It’s going to be a good week. Onward!

Food Prep March 8

8 03 2015

It was a busy Sunday in the neighborhood! Hubster and I have an insanely busy week coming up, so I made many more foodstuffs.

From top left:  Chicken and gruyere turnovers (they’re very tasty.  I made 4 but only two showed up in the pic), steamed green beans, roasted red potatoes, sliced cucumbers, and tomorrow’s lunch veggies.


Oh! There are the other two turnovers!

Broccoli and cheese soup for lunches or dinners.


And from top left: tomorrow’s lunch veggies, raspberries, green pepper rings, celery sticks, green grapes, red grapes, strawberries, baby carrots, cauliflower, and in the jars:  shredded chicken from tonight’s dinner, and two chicken ramen salads.


Despite a busy week, we shall feast! Onward!


Sunday food prep March 1

1 03 2015

Quick Sunday food prep today.  It feels like I did a lot of work, but it doesn’t show it 🙂

From top left:  carrot sticks, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, green pepper strips, quinoa salad, tonight’s beef roast pulled for meals later in the week, hard boiled eggs, cucumber slices, and celery sticks.


I intend to eat the Mediterranean diet as much as possible this week, so this food prep is a key step.

This is tomorrow’s food:  Light and Fit Greek yogurt, which I’ll stir into sliced strawberries and add 1/4 cup chopped walnuts for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for a snack, chopped cucumbers and sliced grape tomatoes to add to the quinoa salad, cucumber slices, green pepper strips, and celery sticks, quinoa salad with feta cheese and about an ounce of shredded beef for lunch, the walnuts for breakfast, and a half peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread (Great Harvest) for a snack before working out at MetSyn clinic.  If I need more for dinner, I’ll be home.


I am so excited to start the week.

Food Prep Sunday Feb 15

15 02 2015

It’s Food prep Sunday and I worked hard today!

Here’s the entrees:  Lasagna from Friday’s dinner, chicken and rice from tonight’s dinner, and pizza from last night’s dinner.  We will eat well this week.  Most of these meals are ones my husband will eat for lunch.  If I’m lucky, I may snag the chicken and rice.


I sliced a few apples today and dried them in the dehydrator.  I can’t wait to snack on these.  They are wonderful. 20150215_194930

I prepped a whole lot of veggies.  From top left:  sugar snap peas, celery sticks and baby carrots, salads, cut up cauliflower, grape tomatoes, cut up carrots and broccoli for tomorrow’s stir fry, cucumber slices and green peppers.  This was the most work of the day, but oh so worth it.


Here’s the salads.   I did two regular salads and four chicken ramen salads.  Hubby likes the regular salads.  I’ll eat the chicken ramen.  They are a wonderful lunch.


Last but not least, fruits.  I got some chocolate covered strawberries (on sale because they were Valentine’s Day things), cut up two pounds of strawberries, and washed raspberries.   I am excited about the strawberries.  The chocolate covered ones are great, but the regular ones look really good.  Yogurt and berries are the best in the morning. 20150215_195616

Metabolic syndrome clinic starts next week, so this week I plan on gearing up for it, and getting used to eating like I want to.


No food prep on Super Bowl Sunday

1 02 2015

Super Bowl Sunday has evolved into “no cook” day, for the most part.  Breakfast was Krispy Kreme doughnuts, baked omelet, and bacon.  The baked omelet will feed us for several days this week.

Dinner was pizza.  I bought a lot of pizza, so we have a lot of leftovers.  Which is good.

Last night’s quesadillas were very tasty, and I made extra.  They are packaged and frozen for later meals.

The meal plan for the week:

Monday–Chicken almond ding–I will cut up veggies for the week tonight.


Wednesday–mac and beef

Thursday–baked chicken

Friday—beef bourginon (yeah, I can’t spell that)–it’s already made and in the freezer

Saturday–mini cheeseburger pies


Food Prep Sunday Jan 25

25 01 2015

Now that the Ninja is back at school, it’s time to get back to food preparation Sundays.  Today, I spent about three hours total, which included making dinner.


Here’s the vegetables.  From top left:  sliced cucumbers (I bought three today and sliced them), sliced green peppers, snap peas, sliced cauliflower, tomorrow’s lunch vegetables (cukes, green peppers, carrots and celery sticks), tomorrow’s dinner vegetables (sliced green peppers and chopped celery), and carrots and celery sticks.


I only made two salads, but I had enough lettuce to fill another jar.  I didn’t use all the grape tomatoes I bought either.


Here’s some of the items left from late last week.  On the bottom, the acorn squash I made tonight for the Hubster.  On top left, split pea soup.  On top right, beef stroganoff from last night.  These will make yummy lunches.


This is the majority of protein we are eating this week.  From top left, here are Chicken Gruyere turnovers (made Thursday) that Hubster has claimed for lunches this week.  At top right is tonight’s pork roast, made in the crock pot.  From the leftovers, I am going to make fried rice on Wednesday and eat the pork with that, and if there’s any left over we’ll have pulled pork sandwiches on Friday.  The sirloin in the bag is for tomorrow’s stir fry, which will provide me with a least two lunches.  The eggs are for my lunches.

Last but not least, here’s baked French toast for the week’s breakfasts.


Not pictured: Frosted brownies which are still in the oven.

The dinner plan for the week:

Monday:  Beef stir fry (steak, green peppers, celery, and rice)

Tuesday:  Leftovers (Hubster has martial arts on Tuesdays)

Wednesday:  Pork fried rice

Thursday:  Hamburgers

Friday:  Pulled pork sandwiches

Saturday:  Quesadillas

And it starts over next week.  Onward!

New Year’s 2015

31 12 2014

I have one resolution this year:  To work on improving my health in 2015.

I have a lot of ways that I think this can happen.  I’m going to try to qualify for a metabolic syndrome clinic and follow their recommendations.  If I don’t qualify for this, I will simply take the objectives they’ve posted and work on it myself, with the help of my employer’s $10,000 weight loss challenge.

I am actually going to make resolutions monthly toward my overall goal of improving my health.  It doesn’t look like I made resolutions last year, so I’m glad to do it this year.  Every baby step helps.




One of my next projects:

29 12 2014

Sunday Food Prep November 30 2014

30 11 2014

It is time for Sunday Food Prep. I am starting a new month with a new attitude. I’ve been deep cleaning in the house over the past week, and tonight got busy cutting up veggies and making food for the week. Hubster is not going to be home for a few nights and I want to have food available.

from top left:  Ham, sliced for sandwiches and meals, sliced green peppers, cut up strawberries, salads in jars, cut up celery and carrot sticks, au gratin potatoes (leftover from tonight’s dinner), baked potatoes for soup later on, cut up veggies for tomorrow’s lunch, hard boiled eggs, and apple pie.



Salads in jars: chicken ramen and chopped chicken.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  Hubster and I aren’t big fans of turkey, so we went out for Thanksgiving dinner.  It was awesome.  I had French dip.

We were too full for dessert on Thanksgiving, so I saved the pie for tonight.


Sunday Food Prep November 9, 2014

9 11 2014

I didn’t have time last weekend to do Sunday food prep.  Alas, I did this week’s kind of late in the day.  I need to do this in the afternoon 🙂

From top left:  blueberry muffins, cut up green peppers, cut up veggies for tomorrow’s lunch, raspberries, cut up celery and carrots, and three bean salad.  A whole bunch of salads are on the bottom right.

Salads: oops, forgot the baked potatoes I made today.  Salads for the week are:  BLT (seen with lettuce and tomatoes), 3 bean (the recipe made a lot more than expected!) and chicken ramen.  The dressing for the chicken ramen is behind the BLT salad.

Not shown, but made this weekend:

I cooked extra ground beef last night when I made spaghetti.  I have leftover spaghetti for the week, and since it made a LOT (must not have been paying attention!), I packaged some of it for the freezer.  I made beef bourguignon tonight, and since the recipe made 12 servings, I divided it into thirds and froze two for future meals.

I did the month’s grocery shopping this weekend and packaged a WHOLE bunch of meat.  In addition, we bought 40 lbs of chicken from Zaycon Foods and that got packaged this week.  My food saver has had a workout!
